The form element represents a collection of form-associated elements, some of which can represent
editable values that can be submitted to a server for processing.
Properties |
DOMString | - acceptCharset
- The acceptCharset IDL attribute must
reflect the accept-charset content
DOMString | - action
- The action IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name, except that on getting, when the
content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the document's address
must be returned instead. The target IDL attribute
must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
DOMString | - autocomplete
- The autocomplete IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name, limited to only known
HTMLFormControlsCollection | - elements
- The elements IDL attribute must return an
HTMLFormControlsCollection rooted at the
form element's home subtree's root element, whose filter matches listed elements whose form owner is the
form element, with the exception of input elements whose type attribute is in the Image
Button state, which must, for historical reasons, be excluded from this particular
DOMString | - encoding
- The action IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name, except that on getting, when the
content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the document's address
must be returned instead. The target IDL attribute
must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
DOMString | - enctype
- The action IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name, except that on getting, when the
content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the document's address
must be returned instead. The target IDL attribute
must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
long | - length
- The length IDL attribute must return the number
of nodes represented by the elements collection.
DOMString | - method
- The action IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name, except that on getting, when the
content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the document's address
must be returned instead. The target IDL attribute
must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
DOMString | - name
- The name IDL attribute must reflect
the content attribute of the same name.
boolean | - noValidate
- The action IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name, except that on getting, when the
content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the document's address
must be returned instead. The target IDL attribute
must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
DOMString | - target
- The action IDL attribute must
reflect the content attribute of the same name, except that on getting, when the
content attribute is missing or its value is the empty string, the document's address
must be returned instead. The target IDL attribute
must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
Operations |
boolean | - checkValidity()
- If the checkValidity() method is
invoked, the user agent must statically validate the constraints of the
form element, and return true if the constraint validation return a positive
result, and false if it returned a negative result.
Element | - getter(any index_name)
- When a form element is indexed for indexed property
retrieval, the user agent must return the value returned by the item method on the elements collection, when invoked with the given index as its
boolean | - reportValidity()
- If the reportValidity() method is
invoked, the user agent must interactively validate the constraints of the
form element, and return true if the constraint validation return a positive
result, and false if it returned a negative result.
void | requestAutocomplete() |
void | reset() |
void | - submit()
- The submit() method, when invoked, must submit the form element from the form
element itself, with the submitted from submit() method flag set.